About DFA

The Dignity for All project provides resources to schools throughout Pennsylvania on supporting transgender and gender expansive students.

The Pennsylvania Youth Congress, the commonwealth’s first and only statewide lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) youth organization created this resource in May 2016.

Following the issuance federal guidance issued by the United States Department of Education and Department of Justice, it became clear Pennsylvania schools needed immediate access to comprehensive resources, guidance, and training specific to the commonwealth.

The Dignity for All project is the first detailed public resource on supporting transgender students in Pennsylvania public schools.

The Pennsylvania Youth Congress will continue to encourage the Pennsylvania School Boards Association (PSBA) and Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE), among other stakeholders, to issue formal directives for supporting transgender and gender expansive students.

For further information on supporting transgender students in Pennsylvania, please contact the Pennsylvania Youth Congress or reach out to an experienced trainer from the project’s list.